We provide many ways for you to make a spiritual connection with others.

Small Groups – Join one of our small groups, where you can practice deep listening and be truly heard. For we believe we are most human when we are able to be in authentic relationship with others. More

Social Activities – Participate in activities that promote a sense of community and celebration. More

Membership – Formally connect your name to this church — a way to state that you are committing your time, talent and financial support to a spiritual community that fosters authenticity, compassion, and transformation. More

Volunteering – Join other members for short-term projects such as our annual book sale or church clean-up days. If working with others toward longer-term goals is your favored way to connect, you will find our committees welcome newcomers wishing to share their time, talents and skills. More

Our Connection Team Can Help You Get Started

We look forward to helping you deepen your connection with this faith and its members. Attend one of our Just the Basics sessions after the worship service on the second Sunday of the month. These half-hour sessions can help you learn the basics of Unitarian Universalism and how to become more involved at 2U.

Questions? Contact us here.